Today’s post is from one of our younger beneficiaries who
has kindly agreed to share his story. Pablo, 26, from Wrangaton in Devon is
living with a brain tumour.
It started out in August 2014 with some migraines and
nausea. I was working as a garden centre assistant in mid-summer and one day
after work I had what I thought was a stroke. My GP said that it may well be a
migrainous aura. I went back to work and carried on as normal thinking I was
okay and just needed to hydrate more.
A week or so later I had another episode at the end of work,
with continuous headaches and distorted vision occurrences throughout the week.
Turns out they were seizures.
I returned again to my doctor and explained that I felt
there was something very wrong with me and that I would like to go to the
hospital for a scan. I had the CT scan and was told by the attending
Neuro-Doctor that it was all clear. I went home feeling grateful. The next day
though, I got a phone call from the doctor explaining that he had spoken with a
neuro-surgeon and that there was an abnormality within my brain and that I
would need to come back in for a MRI scan.
This shattered my whole world really. I felt as though I was
dying. The fear I felt and anticipation of news that would change my life kept
me in a state of despair for the whole day before the MRI. (What does
abnormality mean? Is it a tumour?)